Le coin d'une cave à vin vitrée remplie de bouteilles de vin couchées

Goguette user manuals

Find the instruction manuals for your Goguette wine fridge.
Whether you want to familiarize yourself with the use of your fridge or you have misplaced your manual, download the document you are looking for here.


For the impatient who can’t wait to start enjoying their Goguette: the bare necessities to quickly set up and adjust your wine fridge.
A single set of instructions for all Goguette wine fridges.
Une table en bois et une cave à vin vitrée avec des bouteilles couchées à l'intérieur

See or review our wine fridges

Discover all our wine fridge models, or check out our guide to help you choose the wine fridge that best suits your business and needs.

Trois personnes discutent autour d'un repas

Choose your Goguette

We ask you the three essential questions to find the wine fridge that suits you best among our different models.
5 personnes autour d'une table partagent un repas en intérieur

The Goguette design

Find out how Goguette wine fridges stand out and become true decorative pieces.