Deux étagères de bouteilles de vin

Goguette wine shelf video tutorial

Your wine fridge evolves with your discoveries.
Follow the guide to add, reposition, or remove a shelf from your Goguette wine cabinet.

Sliding or fixed?

Easily switch between modes by changing the position of the pegs located on the left and right of the shelf.

Sliding mode

Position the pegs on each side of the shelf in the first perforation from the bottom. The shelf can then slide along the guides for easy access to the bottles. However, it is secure and cannot be completely removed.

Fixed (storage) mode

Position the pegs on each side of the shelf in the second perforation from the front. The shelf is fixed in the cellar and cannot slide, which allows you to stack bottles on several levels.

Which spacing between the shelves?

With Goguette, the shelf slots are not fixed, allowing you to adjust the spacing between the shelves according to the type of bottles you want to store.

Here our recommendations :

Sliding mode

  • 2 holes
    Côtes du Rhône
  • 3 holes
    Magnum Bordeaux
    Magnum Burgundy
  • 4 holes
    Magnum Champagne

Storage mode

  • Up to 8 holes maximum
    The standard Goguette shelf is designed to support up to 4 rows of bottles (65 kg). If you position more rows of bottles, you risk deforming your shelf.
Une table en bois et une cave à vin vitrée avec des bouteilles couchées à l'intérieur

To go further

Goguette wine fridges put design back in its rightful place without ever losing sight of functionality.

Une bouteille de vin couchée sur une clayette en bois

The Goguette shelf

Discover our shelf designed to make your everyday life easier: easy to use, ergonomic and designed for you, by our designers, in France.
Une cave à vin noire vitrée derrière une bibliothèque

All our tutorials

To help you use your Goguette wine cabinet, we have prepared step-by-step video guides for you.